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12 Easy Vegetarian Meals

Writer: Hungry4FitnessHungry4Fitness

Updated: Aug 7, 2023

A woman preparing easy vegetarian meals.

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The health benefits that can be derived from transitioning to a vegetarian diet are impressive. According to Dr Greger, author of the international best seller How Not To Die, adopting a vegetarian diet can expect to decrease your susceptibility to many diseases. For example, eating more flora and less fauna has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, obesity, and many different cancers.

However, to enjoy the health benefits associated with vegetarianism, it's also important that we also reduce our consumption of processed foods and refined carbohydrate. In his book Ultra-Processed People, Chris van Tulleken outlines many disturbing ways that ultra-processed food can sabotage our health.

But on a positive note, both Greger and Tulleken also explain how quickly health can bounce back once we start eating the right foods.

To help get you on your way to introducing more plants into your diet, I have sourced 12 easy vegetarian meals for every occasion. The recipes will provide you with a healthy, nutritious meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, you will discover a range of healthy snack ideas so that you never again need to visit the work’s vending machine.


Easy vegetarian meals #1: Porridge

As far as breakfast foods go porridge is arguable the healthiest – made even healthier with nuts, seeds and fruit! Because of its high-fibre / low fat content porridge has been shown to contain all manner of health promoting properties. Recently published studies have demonstrated that people who regularly consume porridge are less likely to develop serious conditions such as coronary heart disease and bowel cancer. It is for these reasons and many more besides why I recommend starting every day with a bowl of porridge.

Ingredients (serves 4)

1 Cup of porridge oats (120g)

50g Strawberries

50g Black berries

50g Raspberry

20g Milled linseed

20g Milled hempseed

50g Assorted nuts (crushed)

2 Medulla dates

Natural honey


Step 1: Pre-cook preparation: firstly thoroughly rinse the fruit; drain and dry. Hand-mill the linseed and hempseed in a pestle and mortar (or buy a packet or mixed milled seed and save yourself time and an arm ache). Chop and crush the nuts. Slice the dates.

Step 2: Add to a pan one cup of oats and two cups of water. Place on a high heat and continue to stir until the porridge is vigorously bubbling. Stir throughout. (Never microwave your porridge – that is sacrilegious!)

Step 3: Once the porridge has taken on your desired consistency remove from the heat and leave to rest for five minutes. Stir intermittently.

Step 4: To serve: spoon the porridge into bowls. Drizzle over natural honey then add the seeds, nuts, dates and fruit.


Vegetarian pasta recipes #2: Slow roast pasta salad

As well as being super-easy to cook, this pasta salad porridge is packed full of essential nutrients.

Ingredients (serves 4)

Assortment of tomatoes

Half a courgette, pepper and carrot

1 Red onion & 2 garlic cloves

Small pot of olives (green or black)

1 Avocado

Feta cheese (50g) (optional)

Basil, herbs, seasoning and olive oil

100g whole wheat pasta


Step 1: Preheat oven to 150°C.

Step 2: Thoroughly rinse the vegetables. After draining and drying cut, slice and dice then place into a large bowl. Give them a generous drizzle of olive oil including a couple of turns of salt, pepper and a dash of Italian mix herbs. Gently fold the vegetables so as to evenly distribute the oil and seasoning.

Step 3: Once the oven has reached temperature introduce the vegetables into a baking pot – they should sizzle a little. Place back into the oven.

Step 4: Bring a pan of water to the boil then add the pasta. Stir immediately to prevent the pasta from clumping together. Reduce temperature to a steady boil. When cooked drain, oil and season then place to one side.

Step 5: After 25 minutes check the vegetables – they should be softening and browning. Move them around the pot to prevent burning.

Step 6: Now introduce into the pot the pasta, olives and feta. Mix together. Pop the pot back in the oven for five minutes. (A word of caution: if left in the over for more than the suggested time the pasta will go dry and crispy which will mar the splendour of this dish.)

Step 7: Remove the pot from the oven and spoon the pasta salad into bowls. I like to include an avocado half, a slice of rustic bread (or focaccia) and a decadent drizzle of olive oil.


Easy vegetarian meals #3: Veggie curry

This veggie curry is full of flavour and nutritious. As well as making an ideal meal for a social occasion, it can be batched and frozen for future fuss-free cooking.

Ingredients (serves 4)

1 Large aubergine

2 Beef tomatoes

8 Cherry tomatoes

1 Red onion

2 Cloves of garlic

1 Nub of ginger

400g of Chickpeas

1 Tin of tomatoes

Spices: half a teaspoon of turmeric, cumin, garam masala

50g of skin-on almonds


Step 1: Preheat oven to 150°C.

Step 2: Chop the aubergine into chunks or strips then oil and season. Place in the oven for 35 minutes. Check occasionally and ensure to shake the baking tray to prevent sticking.

Step 3: In a pan add olive oil and soften onions and garlic. Once softened add ginger and spices.

Step 4: Wash, slice and dice the beef and cherry tomatoes. Add to the pan along with the tin of tomatoes. Reduce the heat and leave to simmer for ten minutes before introducing the chickpeas. (At this stage you may want to add a bunch of fresh coriander.)

Step 5: Once the aubergine has softened introduce to the pan of tomatoes and chickpeas. Gently mix the vegetables together, cover and leave.

Step 6: Prepare the rice. Thoroughly rinse the rice in cold water. Add to a pan ensuring to stick to a ratio of 1 part rice to 2 parts water. (Optional: Pop into the pan two cracked cardamom pods and 1 star anise.) Cover, bring to the boil then simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 7: Chop the almonds lengthways and roast under a grill until brown. (Note of caution: stand vigil or you’ll be throwing away burnt almonds all day.)

Step 8: Once the rice has cooked remove cardamom pods and star anise then drain and fluff.

Step 9: To serve: place the rice in bowls ensuring to create a well in the centre. Spoon the aubergine and chickpea curry into the well. Sprinkle over almonds and add a light dusting of smoked paprika.


Easy vegetarian meals #4: Butternut squash and butterbean salad

A light and tasty meal that’ll leave you feeling health from the inside out.

Ingredients (serves 4)

2 Butternut squashes

2 Avocados

10 Cherry tomatoes

1 Sweet red pepper

50g of queen green olives

100g of feta cheese

230g of butter beans

A handful of spinach

Almonds and pine seeds


Step 1: Preheat oven to 150°C.

Step 2: Slice the squashes in half (or as near as possible) and boil for ten minutes. After ten minutes drain then oil and season the flesh (suggested seasonings: turmeric; mixed herbs; garam masala). Now place squashes in the over skin-side down and leave for 45 minutes.

Step 3: Once the squashes have cooked (they should be soft and buttery) remove from the oven and allow to rest.

Step 4: Whilst the squashes are resting prepare the salad. Begin by creating a leafy base then layer on the tomatoes, peppers and olives. At this stage you can drain and rinse the butter beans.

Step 5: To prepare the guacamole scrape the avocado into a bowl followed by a couple of finely diced tomatoes, seasoning and a drizzle of olive oil (you can also add diced coriander). Proceed to mash the ingredients together until pulped.

Step 6: To serve: place the squashes on the plates and spoon into the hollows the guacamole. Spoon over the butter beans. Garnish with feta and crushed nuts – almonds and pine seeds. And also a drizzle of olive oil!


Easy vegetarian dinner recipes #5: Sweet potato curry

The sweet potato takes on the flavour of the spices and adds substance to the dish. Some vegetarian curries – such as Dal – lack bite. By adding sweet potatoes, butternut squash, and/or chickpeas, you can transform sloppy mush into a hearty meal.

Ingredients (serves 4)

2 Sweet potatoes

2 Large carrots

4 Big beef tomatoes

8 Cherry tomatoes

1 Large red onion

2 Cloves of garlic

A nub of ginger

400g Chickpeas

Spices: garam masala (or curry powder), turmeric, cumin

Handful of almonds

A generous bunch of coriander


Step 1: To make the curry sauce firstly slice and dice the onions and garlic then soften in a large pan – use olive oil. Once softened add the ginger (finely diced) and spices; a level teaspoon of each – and perhaps a pinch of salt.

Step 2: Whilst the spices are infusing begin to prepare the tomatoes; wash, dry, chop and add to the pan. Cover and leave on a medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes.

Step 3: Meanwhile, wash the sweet potatoes and carrots (peeling is optional) and cut into thumb nail-sized cubes. Once cut to size introduce into a pan of boiling water. After 5 minutes drain and air.

Step 4: The final stage in preparing the curry sauce: ladle the mix into a large glass jug and blend until the consistency is smooth.

Step 5: Re-oil the pan previously used for the sauce and place on a medium to high heat. Transfer the sweet potatoes and carrots. Fry for five minutes before spooning in the sauce. When mixed add the chickpeas and a generous bunch of finely diced coriander. Reduce the heat and cover ensuring to leave a gap.

Step 6: Prepare the rice. Thoroughly rinse the rice in cold water. Add to a pan ensuring to stick to a ratio of 1 part rice to 2 parts water. (Optional: Pop into the pan two cracked cardamom pods and 1 star anise.) Cover, bring to the boil then simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 7: Once the rice has cooked remove cardamom pods and star anise then drain and fluff.

Step 8: To serve: place the rice in bowls ensuring to create a well in the centre. Spoon the curry into the well. Garnish with roasted almonds and a sprig of coriander.


Easy vegetarian meals #6: vegetarian bolognase

This vegetarian bolognase is easy to cook and full of healthy nutritious veg. When I make this meal, I always prepare enough for two days as it's always more flavoursome.

Ingredients (serves 4)

1 Large courgette

1 Sweet red pepper

2 Large portabella mushrooms

4 Beef tomatoes

10 Cherry tomatos

1 Large red onion

4 Cloves of garlic

400g Tin of tomatoes

200g Whole wheat pasta

Fresh Basil


Step 1: Because the ingredients are introduce in stages it is advisable to spend time preparing before cooking. Firstly rinse the courgette, pepper, mushrooms and tomatoes. Cut, dice and slice and separate into individual bowls.

Step 2: Finely slice the onion and garlic. Soften in a pan ensuring to season well.

Step 3: Once softened introduce at five minute intervals the vegetables as follows: courgette, red pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms. With the mushrooms you can also include the tin tomatoes. Mix together, cover and leave on a medium heat for 20 minutes.

Step 4: After 20 minutes check that the sauce has reduced to a rich, thick consistency. If the consistency pleases remove pan from the heat and set to one side. At this stage you could add a generous drizzle of olive oil, a ruddy good seasoning and a handful of fresh basil.

Step 5: To prepare the pasta: firstly bring a pan of water to a rolling boil, add a pinch of salt and then the pasta. With a fork immediately move the pasta around the pan to prevent clumping. Quality fussily pasta should take between 8 to 10 minutes to cook. The pasta should not be soft to the bite. If it is you have over-cooked it. There should be ‘bite’ to the past. Having satisfied this particular requirement thoroughly drain then add olive oil, seasoning – preferably an Italian herb mix – and a grate of parmesan cheese (optional).

Step 6: To serve: Option one: pasta in the bowl followed by the source. Option two: introduce the pasta into the sauce prior to serving, mix and serve together as one.


Vegetarian main meals #7: Vegetable Paella

A healthy, heart meal that's easy to cook but even easier to eat. Whenever I prepare this dish I do so with the intention of making it last for a couple of days. But it's so moreish I always find myself going for seconds and thirds.

Ingredients (serves 6)

A good glug of olive oil

1 Onion, chopped

1 Garlic clove, finely chopped

300g paella rice or short grain rice

1 tsp dried chilli flakes

2tsp smoked paprika

1 Vegetable stock cube, made up to 900ml

400g tin chopped tomatoes

150g runner beans, sliced on an angle

1 Red pepper, roughly chopped

1 Cup of fresh garden peas

1 x 210g tin chickpeas, drained

1 Lemon, juiced

Handful of coriander, chopped


Step 1: Heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a large frying pan and cook the onion and garlic until softened.

Step 2: Next stir in the rice, chilli flakes and paprika, cook for a further minute, then add the stock and tomatoes. Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Ensure to stir occasionally so as to stop the rice from clumping – shaking the pan is the traditional method.

Step 3: Add the runner beans, pepper and chickpeas and cook for another 10 minutes. Squeeze over the lemon juice and scatter with the coriander.

Step 4: To test if cooked create a divot in the middle of the pan, there should be no excess water. If all the water has been absorbed remove the pan from the heat cover with a clean tea towel and allow to rest for 20/30 minutes.

Step 5: Serve with lemon wedges on the side to squeeze over.


Easy vegetarian meals #8: Veggie pie

This veggie pie is a perfect winter recipe. It's warming, filling, and full of nutritious vegetables.

Ingredients (serves 4)

1 Sweet potato

1 Large carrot

4 Beef tomatoes

1 Sweet red pepper

1 Head of broccoli

100g Spinach

1 Large red onion

4 Cloves of garlic

200g Tin tomatoes

400g Tin of Red kidney beans

50g Crushed walnuts


Step 1: Preheat oven to 150°C.

Step 2: After cutting the sweet potatoes and carrot into dice-size cubes boil for 5 minutes. Drain then transfer to a baking tray and place in the oven. Cook for 30 minutes.

Step 3: In a frying pan soften the onions and garlic – ensure to season and include a level teaspoon of cumin and turmeric. Once softened add the diced tomatoes and sweet pepper. After ten minutes pour in the tin of tomatoes and red kidney beans. Replace the lid and leave to simmer for a further twenty minutes.

Step 4: Once the sweet potatoes and carrots are cooked mix all ingredients together (preferable in the pan) and introduce into a large crockery pot and place back in the oven on a low heat.

Step 5: To prepare the turmeric mash potato topping: boil the potatoes until soft. Drain and mash with milk and butter. Season with salt, pepper, herbs and a heaped teaspoon of turmeric (of course you can leave it out if you think it would upset your pallet; but honestly, the turmeric does not flavour the mash, it adds colour and enhances the healthiness of an already healthy dish).

Step 6: Remove the crockery pot from the oven and apply the mash ensuring to evenly distribute over the surface of the pie filling. After giving the mash a good forking garnish with a generous grating of mature cheddar cheese and finely diced leek. Place back in the oven until the cheese has melted and the leek has crisped.

Step 7: The salad: blanch the broccoli florets. Drain well then include the spinach, walnuts, seasoning and olive oil.

Step 8: Serve.


Healthy vegetarian lunch ideas

Few people take the trouble to prepare healthy, home-cooked food for lunch times. Instead they opt for something prepacked (such as an ultra-processed supermarket ‘meal’ deal) or fresh out the vending machine.

As we are reminded in the book Ultra-Processed People, all processed food is detrimental to our health. Also, when it comes to prepacked sandwiches or canteen food, we have little to no idea how the food was handled. This should be a deterrent in itself. As of this writing, thousands of sandwiches were recalled because they were infected with a particularly nasty bacteria (listeria monocytogenes).

To avoid unhealthy temptations and unhygienically-handled food, we should take the time to make our own lunches. Once you form the habit and organise a morning routine making a healthy meal for the day can be quick and easy. Furthermore, preparing healthy, nutritious meals for yourself and the family brings about a sense of satisfaction and pride which you’ll never get when tearing open plastic packaging.

Below, because the possible variation of lunch recipes is vast, I have provided you with a list of three ideas.

Easy vegetarian lunches

Many of the easy vegetarian meals above recipes can double-up as lunch for the following day. For example, whenever I cook paella, or curry, or pasta salad, I always ensure to make that little bit extra so that I have enough fill my lunchbox with.

Bean salad

Bean salads are a super healthy lunchtime meal. Not only are they effortless to prepare but they’re packed full of nutrients. To make your bean salad simply select a bean of your preference – butterbean, red kidney bean, pinto or a mixture – and after draining add olive oil and seasoning: pepper, herbs and/or turmeric, garam masala or cumin. Run the beans in a colander so the oil and seasoning are evenly distributed.

Moving on to the salad. Select a crispy variety such as iceberg or radicchio for your base. Wash, dry, slice and sprinkle into a Tupperware box. Now add a selection of salad items: cherry tomatoes, cucumber (if you’re into that), diced carrot, sliced pepper, olives, gherkins. Now add the beans another drizzle of olive oil and season. Lunch is done!

Quinoa salad

Quinoa, the grain of the Incas, has formed part of the human diet for over ten thousand years. The health benefits of quinoa have long been known; however, it is only today that we are for the first time able to understand just how healthy this food is. One cup (85gs) of quinoa contains (roughly):

  • Protein: 8 grams

  • Fiber: 5 grams

  • Manganese: 58% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA)

  • Magnesium: 30% of the RDA

  • Phosphorus: 28% of the RDA

  • Folate: 19% of the RDA

  • Copper: 18% of the RDA

  • Iron: 15% of the RDA

  • Zinc: 13% of the RDA

  • Potassium 9% of the RDA

  • Over 10% of the RDA for vitamins B1, B2 and B6

  • Small amounts of calcium, B3 (niacin) and vitamin E

In addition to this litany of essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients quinoa contains all nine of the essential amino acids. It’s perhaps for this reason why the UN declared 2013 ‘The International Year of Quinoa’.

Related: Best Organic Quinoa that doesn't cost the earth

Ok, so now we have an idea of the health benefits of this seemingly ordinary grain, how can we use within our lunches? Well, quinoa is not only super healthy but it’s also super diverse. Once cooked it goes with pretty much anything. You could, for example, include it within a salad or use it as an accompaniment to the left-over curry from yesterday evening.

How to cook

Step 1: Introduce into medium size pan one cup of quinoa to two cups of water.

Step 2: Bring to the boil and, once all the water has been absorbed, which usually takes 10 minutes, remove from the heat, cover and leave for a further five minutes.

Step 3: Drain the quinoa and allow five minutes to rest.

Step 4: Now you can add spices, seasoning, various diced salad ingredients, nuts, seeds, beans – basically whatever takes your fancy.


Vegetarian snack ideas

Snacking is associate with weight gain, ill-health and a lack of self-discipline. This is perhaps all true if those snacks are of a plastic-wrapped, processed variety. However, not all snack are created equally and, depending on the snacks you consume, they can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet.

Below you will discover 4 snacks that not only taste great but will support you in your quest for augmented health. Of course the list of examples is not exhaustive. It is supposed to serve as means of stimulating ideas around what constitutes as healthy snack.

Homemade hummus

Below I've outlined healthy vegetable and lentil hummus ideas. They include homemade avocado guacamole, garlic-infused courgette guacamole, and chickpea hummus.

To make avocado guacamole scrape the creamy flesh into a bowl and add a couple of finely diced cherry tomatoes, a dash of cumin, a quick crack of sea salt, black pepper and a generous drizzle of olive oil. Mash together until sufficiently pulped. Spoon into a container, cover and keep refrigerated until serving.

To make courgette guacamole firstly cut a large courgette into dice-sized chunks and, along with a clove (or two) of garlic, roast for 20 minutes on a low heat (150°C). Once cooked allow to cool. Transfer the courgette and garlic into a blender and, before blitzing, add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Pour into a container, cover and place in the fridge.

homemade hummus recipe

Step 1: To make the chickpea hummus soften a small red onion and clove of garlic in pan of olive oil.

Step 2: Add a crack of salt and turn of pepper and squeeze of lemon. Assuming that you’re using tinned chickpeas drain and add to the pan ensuring to stir.

Step 3: Add to the mix cold water (for 400gs of chickpeas use 600gs of water) and bring to the boil.

Step 4: Reduce to a simmer for one hour. Drain ensuring to save the stock.

Step 5: Blend the chickpeas adding, as you do so, small amounts of the stock.

Step 6: Once the hummus takes on a creamy consistency do not add anymore stock.

Step 7: Pour the mixyure into a bowl and allow to cool before serving.

Step 8: Garnish with turmeric, smoked paprika, chive, rosemary and a drizzly of olive oil.

Step 9: Serve with carrot, cucumber, or celery sticks.

Fruit salad

A fruit salad is a great pre/post lunch snack. Healthy, nutritious and tasty. The combination of fruits selected I will leave to you. However, one point of note. The nutrient quality of any fresh fruit or vegetable deteriorates once cut (if it is not cooked or preserved). Every hour the nutrient content falls by 50%. It is for this reason why the fruit should be kept in its whole state until snack time. If it has been pre-washed and dried all you’ll need to do is cut it up into a bowl and serve.

The Buddha bowl

Traditionally the Buddha bowl is an assortment of fresh vegetables accompanied with a healthy grain such as quinoa or couscous. However, I’ve created a variation comprised of banana, mixed berries, crushed nuts and medulla dates. Into a bowl chop one banana and add a cup of mixed berries (blackberry, raspberry, blue berry, strawberry in any combination you like – just ensure to rinse well before consuming). Sprinkle over 50 grams of crushed mixed nuts (and/or seeds) and top with a sliced date, drizzle of honey and a dash of sweet cinnamon.


Easy vegetarian meals #11: Sweetheart cabbage soup

It doesn't get healthier than this!

Ingredients (serves 8)

One large sweetheart cabbage (about 500g)

One kale stick

4 Small potatoes

1 Large onion

3 Garlic cloves

Drizzle of olive oil

50g Almonds, split and roasted

A pinch of salt, pepper and mixed herbs

A couple of dollops of crème fraîche (optional)


Step 1: In a large saucepan add a good glug of olive oil then place on a moderate heat.

Step 2: Whilst the oil is warming finely slice the garlic and onion. Once the pan has reached temperature introduce the garlic. After a couple of minutes add the onion and seasoning.

Step 3: Wash, slice and dice the potatoes. When the garlic and onions have softened somewhat pop the spuds into the pan. Ensure to mix the ingredients together. At this point you might want to add a little more olive oil.

Step 4: Place the lid on the pan and allow the potatoes to sweat for around 10 minutes.

Step 5: Bring to the boil 1litre of the water.

Step 6: While you’re waiting for the kettle to do its thing wash, slice and dice the sweetheart cabbage and kale stick.

Step 7: Once the water has reach boiling point pour it into the pan. (So as to avoid making the soup too watery I hold back about 200ml. Also: I never use stock cubes. Have you seen how much salt they put in those things? Enough to cause a stroke!)

Step 8: Now add the cabbage and kale, replace the lid and leave for between 20 to 30 minutes.

Step 9: After the suggested time has elapsed the cabbage and kale should have softened nicely and they should present a vibrant emerald green hue.

Step 10: Using a hand blender give the soup a thorough blitzing.

Step 11: When the soup has reached a consistency compatible with your personal preference – I like my soup a little lumpy – give it a taste test. It’ll probably need touch more seasoning.

Step 12: Turn the heat off and leave the soup to cool a little before serving.


Easy vegetarian meals #12: Slow roasted butternut Squash soup

Sweet and super nutritious.

Ingredients (serves 8)

A substantial butternut squash

A large sweet potato

A large carrot

One red onion

4 garlic cloves

A good nub of ginger

Bunch of coriander

Spices – all half teaspoon measurements: turmeric, garam masala, cumin

A pinch of mixed herbs, salt, pepper and smoked paprika . . . oh, I nearly forgot, and sweet cinnamon

Half a cup of red split lentils (optional)


Preparing the stock

Step 1: First, you need a big pan – preferably a bucket or trough. Remember: whenever cooking up soup make a sizable batch so that it lasts over the following week. Don’t forget that soup is a great freezable food.

Step 2: Drizzle into the pan a good glug of quality olive oil. Place the pan on a medium heat.

Step 3: Finely dice, slice and chop the onion, garlic cloves and ginger nub. Cook until soft.

Step 4: Once the onions and company have softened introduce the spices. Stir together, turn the heat down and cover.

Step 5: Boil up a litre of the wet stuff. Once boiled add to the pan (including a handful of finely chopped coriander and lentils – if you’re using them), replace the lid and turn the heat right down.

Preparing the veg

Step 1: After peeling the butternut squash (don’t peel the sweet potato or carrot: there’s a lot of nutrients in that ruffage!) cut into thumbnail-sized cubes, including the sweet potato and carrot.

Step 2: Par-boil for no longer than 5 minutes.

Step 3: Pre-heat oven to 150°.

Step 4: After 5 minutes drain the veg well. To prevent from sticking and clumping you might want to add a drizzle of olive oil. Once prepare place in the pre-heated oven for 30 minutes. Occasionally turn the veg over so as to prevent burning the corners.

Step 5: Once cooked – to check pierce with a knife, they should be soft – add veg to the stock.

Step 6: Mix the ingredients together and turn the heat off. Leave to cool before blending.

Step 7: When you’ve blended the soup to your preferred consistency, ladle however much you plan to eat into a separate pan and gently reheat. As you do so consider including a glug of oat milk; this will reduce the thickness and add a creamy taste.

Step 8: To serve add a drizzle of olive oil, a light dusting of smoked paprika, half a handful of roasted almonds and, of course, a sizable wedge of sourdough bread.


About Adam Priest –

A former Royal Marines Commando, Adam Priest is a content writer, college lecturer, and health and wellbeing practitioner. He is also a fitness author and contributor to other websites. Connect with Adam via LinkedIn or


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