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300 Kettlebell Swings Whole Body Blast

Writer: Hungry4FitnessHungry4Fitness
A guy in a gym swinging a kettlebell. He is completing a 300 kettlebell swings workout as part of a weight-loss program.

This 300 kettlebell swings workout has been designed to build whole-body strength and functional fitness. The 300 kettlebell swings form the foundation of the workout, but to activate a wider range of muscle groups and engage the heart, bodyweight exercises and short cardio sprints feature throughout.

The combination of exercises that comprise this workout makes for a complete training session. Kettlebell swings, as we discussed in our other article 5 Benefits of Kettlebell Swings, are one of the most effective resistance exercises for developing functional strength. In fact, as exercises go, few target as many muscle groups. This one simple exercise has been shown to enhance muscular strength in the glutes, core, back, shoulders and forearms.

300 kettlebell swings make for an excellent met-con workout

Mixing the training methodologies up a bit the bodyweight exercises add a dynamic twist. Interlaced between the 300 kettlebell swings are six different callisthenic movements. These exercises have been incorporated into the workout to enhance muscular endurance and muscle tonality. In addition, they also offer a much-needed rest after the heavy swing sets.

And finally, the short cardio blasts have been enlisted to engage the heart and lungs. But the cardio element also transforms this 300 kettlebell swings workout into a met-conditioning training session. One that will stimulate multiple components of fitness while also burning fat and facilitating weight loss.

What are the benefits of this 300 kettlebell swings workout?

As outlined above, because the exercises selected target such a wide range of muscle groups and physiological systems, this workout can confer many fitness benefits. However, this is only true if the workout is included in your general training routine. That is, it should be completed on a weekly basis.

Furthermore, to enhance the effectiveness of this 300 kettlebell swings workout, you’ve got to select a weight that will present a challenge. Of course, physiological adaptations more readily occur when we exert ourselves.

To summarise the benefits

  • Improved Posterior Chain strength

  • Enhanced muscular endurance

  • Fat-loss

  • Functional physicality

  • Whole-body fitness


ATREQ Competition Pro Grade Kettlebells

If you need a proper competition kettlebell or you’re looking to replace that plastic one you bought before you knew what a proper kettlebell looked like, ATREQ makes some of the best bells on the market. Their competition kettlebells are manufactured from single mould cast steel, meaning if dropped the handles won’t snap at the weld points. In addition, they are available in sizes ranging from 8kg through to 36kg, and they meet the size specifications set by the National and International Kettlebell Sports.


300 kettlebell swings | How it works

Prior to attacking this workout, it is advisable to complete a 10-minute progressive warm-up. An inclusive 10-minute warm-up has been provided.

Once thoroughly warmed the objective here is to complete all 6 mini circuits. You can either rest after each separate circuit or, if you want to challenge yourself, aim to work through them without pause.

If you opt for the latter approach you might want to consider timing yourself. This will then provide you with a standard to complete against the next time you undertake this workout.

300 kettlebell swings workout

10-minute warm-up: 2000-metre row followed by 10 down to 1 pyramid of kettlebell swings and press-ups. If you’re new to pyramiding here’s the method: 10reps KB swings/10reps press-ups followed immediately by 9reps KB swings/9reps press-ups . . . Continue to descend the pyramid to the final rep.

Circuit 1

25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Squat jumps (challenge yourself by holding the kettlebell between your legs)
25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Squat jumps
400-metre cardio blast (either run or row the distance)

Circuit 2

25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Squat thrusts
25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Squat thrusts
400-metre cardio blast (either run or row the distance)

Circuit 3

25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Burpees
25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Burpees
400-metre cardio blast (either run or row the distance)

Circuit 4

25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Press-ups
25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Press-ups
400-metre cardio blast (either run or row the distance)

Circuit 5

25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Triceps dips (full body weight if possible)
25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Triceps dips
400-metre cardio blast (either run or row the distance)

Circuit 6

25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Pull-ups (full body weight if possible)
25reps Kettlebell swings
25reps Pull-ups
400-metre cardio blast (either run or row the distance)

Workout totals

300 kettlebell swings
300 bodyweight reps
2400-metres ran/rowed


How to perform the perfect kettlebell swing

Pavel Tsatsouline, in his book The Russian Kettlebell Challenge, tells us that ‘the swing is a great way to learn your way around the kettlebell’. In addition, kettlebell swings act as a foundational exercise on which you can build kettlebell handling confidence. Once you master the kettlebell swing, you are ready to progress on to more complex movements such as the snatch, clean to press and long cycle.

However, though the swing is regarded as a simple exercise, and one to ‘learn your way around the kettlebell’, few people perform it correctly. To help you avoid making common mistakes, we have outlined the swing technique as well as a list of technical dos and don’ts.

Teaching points

  1. Stand directly over the kettlebell – not behind it! – adopting a one and half shoulder-width stance.

  2. Squatting at the knees and keeping your back perfectly straight grasp the bell and stand up.

  3. Keeping the back straight pull the kettlebell back between your legs and, using your glutes, propel the kettlebell forward until it’s level with your shoulders.

  4. Ensuring to keep your core engaged throughout the movement, allow the kettlebell to return to the start position and repeat.

KB swing dos

  • Do keep control throughout the exercise

  • Do relax during the movement – you shouldn’t be stiff and rigid

  • Do make sure that your feet are evenly spaced and planted firmly; your weight should be on your heels

  • Do fix your eyes on a point roughly head height

  • Do ensure the arms are slightly bent throughout

  • Do keep your core tight whilst swinging

  • Do squeeze your bum cheeks together at precisely the moment when the KB reaches the top position. An old kettlebell teacher of mine said imagine as though you’re trying to crack a walnut between your arse cheeks.

KB swing don’ts

  • Don’t bend or round your back

  • Don’t at any point lockout the legs

  • Don’t over-rotate or ‘collapse’ at the hips during the downward phase. The kettlebell should not pull you down so that your torso becomes parallel with the floor. This is a common mistake that places a lot of stress on the lumbar region of the spine.

  • Don’t try to lift the kettlebell with your shoulders. Remember, you are propelling the KB forward with your glutes and transverse abdominus. The muscles of the arm merely guide and control the trajectory of the kettlebell. If you try to lift with the shoulders, like when performing a lateral raise, not only will your muscles quickly fatigue but the base of the kettlebell will face the floor and not forward.


Enjoyed this workout? Get your hands on 50 more with the Hungry4Fitness Book of Circuits Vol. 1.

Circuit training is one of the best forms of physical exercise for maintaining and increasing overall fitness. A well-designed circuit will provide a great cardiovascular workout, strengthening the heart and lungs in the process, while also improving muscle endurance and developing functional strength. This unique combination, of fat burning and muscle building, which singular exercises, such as running, cycling, swimming or weights cannot give, will help to sculpt a lean defined physique.


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Blog Author

Adam Priest, former Royal Marines Commando, is a personal trainer, lecturer, boxing and Thai boxing enthusiast.

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