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The functional fitness utility of power bags has long been recognised. In addition to being neigh on indestructible, which makes them great value for money, power bags can be used to develop strength, functional strength, muscular endurance, and core stability.
As well as offering a unique and dynamic dimension to your fitness sessions, their multi-functional design offers the trainer a plethora of exercise options.
For example, with a power bag, you could perform conventional movements – squats, deadlifts, and bent-over rows – or power exercises such as snatches and hang cleans.
Build power with these best power bags
Another application of power bags is the option to perform explosive drills. Unlike conventional resistance equipment, Olympic barbells and dumbbells, power bags can be thrown, dropped, and slammed.
Using power bags in this way helps to develop muscular power and functional fitness. In addition, if you integrate explosive exercises into a powerbag circuit, they will promote aerobic fitness and whole-body conditioning.
Power bags are serious versatility
With a power bag you can perform literally hundreds of different exercises. Sharing this similarity with the kettlebell, power bags are like an all-in-one gym.
It is the versatility of power bags that has made them so popular. Rare that you’d find a gym that doesn’t have one kicking about the place nowadays.
Also, they are becoming ever increasingly popular in the home. More and more people are recognising the multi-dimensional application that power bags possess.
Best power bags #1: Xn8 Power Bag
Xn8’s power bags, due to their innovative multi-handle design feature, are widely used by athletes and professionals of various sporting disciplines.
The high-quality, ultra-durable material from which they are constructed makes them perfect for a variety of fitness activities, including deadlifts, squats, throwing alters, and lunges.
In addition, the compact and versatile design makes them suitable to use in all exercise environments: circuit training, gym classes, strength and conditioning, HIIT sessions, and more.
This power bag is useful for building muscles, burning fats, and performing tough workouts. The extra thick handles will help improve forearm strength. Also, the multiple grip positions will enable you to perform a wide range of unconventional.
Best power bags #2: ONEX Power Bag
ONEX offers a multi-purpose power bag perfect for home gym use. The synthetic leather offers superior durability without compromising on quality or comfort – depending on the exercises hessian or canvas can be quite abrasive on the skin.
Another feature of note with ONEX’s power bag is the heavy-duty stitched handles – a quality which in part probably accounts for the many 5-star reviews this product has received.
When it comes to power bags heavy-duty stitching is a must. Anything less than heavy-duty will ultimately lead to tears which will result in your power bag being demoted to a doorstop.
Best power bags #3: RDX Sand Filled Powerbag
The RDX power bag is specially crafted with superior Maya hide leather material for resilience and unmatched performance. The solid build resists wear and tear over prolonged usage meaning they'll last for years to come.
The uncompromising toughness of the bag is second to none which makes it ideal for weightlifting, powerlifting, functional workouts, muscle building, fat burning, and a cardio routine.
In addition, this power bag features a zip closure which allows you to add more filling to enhance weight. Furthermore, RDX’s power bags offer just the right level and balance of resistance which keeps it consistent and even across the whole surface area of the bag.
They are manufactured with nylon handles, all double stitched, which significantly reduces rips. Moreover, the multi-positional handles increase the range of exercise options.
Best power bags #4: LIONS heavy-duty sandbag
LIONS’ weighted sandbag, as they call it, is specially crafted with superior Maya hide leather material for resilience and unmatched performance. The solid build quality reduces wear and tear meaning it’ll provide a faithful training partner for years to come.
This solid bag is ideal for weight lifting, running, powerlifting, functional workouts, muscle building, fat burning, and a cardio routine.
Moreover, the nylon, double-stitched handles offer a wide range of grip options which explodes the number of possible exercises that can be performed with this bag.
In addition, the well-positioned side and top handles allow you to do multiple different exercises. This feature increases the functionality of the power bag and also enables you to use it in a wide range of different workouts.
Best Power-Bag #5: METIS Sandbag
The METIS powerbag has received only positive reviews. Constructed from premium-quality canvas to reduce rips and tares, this power bag promises superior longevity making it perfect for home use.
The mixture of sand and shredded cloth will ensure a more even weight distribution. This reduces having to shuffle the filling about before initiating your next set of squats. In addition, sand and cloth filling improves impact absorption which makes this power bag ideal for explosive exercises.
Power bag FAQ
Those that have not trained with power bags before, you might be left with a few questions. What follows is a FAQ that aims to answer the most common queries concerning power bags.
But if after the FAQ your question has not been answered, pop it in the comments box below. (Also, you can find out more on our dedicated Power Bags Page.)
What are power bags filled with?
Typically they’re filled with sand. But lighter power bags may be filled with shredded fabric. Some bags, such as the METIS sandbag, are comprised of a mix of sand and shredded material.
Related: Try this Powerbag Circuit
Can you increase the weight of power bags?
Yes, most all power bags are refillable. For example, Xn8's power bag can be unzipped and filled with additional weight. However, you have to be careful when increasing the weight of your power bag. Over-fill it and the handles could tear from the body of the bag.
Related: Check out the best Medicine Balls
What are power bags made from?
Usually, they’re made from synthetic leather. And though synthetic leather is often considered inferior to its real counterpart, it is preferable for a training tool such as power bags. Why?
Because as well as being hard-wearing synthetic leather can also be wiped down after usage; which is a useful quality considering that a power bag’s life consists of being sweated over and dropped on the floor.
Related: Master these 6 Powerbag Exercises
About Adam Priest –
A former Royal Marines Commando, Adam Priest is a content writer, college lecturer, and health and wellbeing practitioner. He is also a fitness author and contributor to other websites. Connect with Adam via LinkedIn or info@hungry4fitness.co.uk.