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Best Boxing Hand Wraps

Writer: Hungry4FitnessHungry4Fitness

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

A boxer wrapping their hands with the best boxing hand wraps.

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Hand wraps are an essential piece of boxing equipment – which is why we included them in our article: 5 Essential Pieces of Boxing Equipment. Properly wrapped hands improves boxing performance because they give you the confidence to punch with power.

The reason why hand wraps can promote confidence is because they dramatically reduce injury susceptibility. In addition to reducing injury, such as fractures and breaks, hand wraps can also reduce the severity of post-training soreness.

Best boxing hand wraps

This article brings you the best boxing hand wraps. Each pair has been selected because they have received extensive positive customer feedback. Furthermore, the hand wraps below satisfy some essential requirements. These requirements have been briefly outlined in the Buyer’s Guide.

When you decide on a pair of hand wraps, you’ll probably want to learn how to apply them properly. Learning to wrap your hands for the first time can be a bit confusing. To help you master the art of hand wrapping we’ve produced a how to guide which can be found at the end of this review.


Best boxing hand wraps #1: Beast Gear

Beast gear best boxing hand wraps.

The advanced boxing hand wrap by Beast Gear is an excellent product. Made, as always, from quality materials these hand wraps are elasticated – a must! – and they’re a whopping 4.5 metres long.

The extra length you get with these wraps will allow you to apply a hefty wrap to your hands. With all that wrap your hands are going to feel like a pair of stone and you'll feel like you can punch holes in walls.

Beats Gear's super-long elasticated hand wraps have received nearly 2000 reviews! This makes them the one of the most reviewed wraps on Amazon. But, they've also been rated 5-stars. This makes them the best rated wraps on Amazon.

Product particulars

  • Beast Gear boxing hand wraps will protect your hands during combat sports.

  • These superior hand wraps feature optimum material blends and construction.

  • Offers support for your hand’s joints, bones, muscles and tendons during intense punching, striking and sparring workouts.


Best boxing hand wraps #2: Meister

Meister boxing and MMA hand wraps.

Meister's 180" boxing and MMA hand wraps are a competitive product. These wraps tick all the right boxes: over 4-metres long, elasticated fabric, thumb loop and Velcro fastening.

However, where they differ to other products is the fact you get three pairs of wraps for the price of one. Given how long hand wraps last – like years – you'll probably never need to buy a pair again.

These wraps have received hundreds of reviews most of which are very positive. Boxers and combat sport enthusiasts have commented on the durability and quality of Meister's wraps.

Product particulars

  • 3 pairs of hand wraps: white/black/red (6 wraps total).

  • Super-comfortable, semi-elastic cotton/spandex blend.

  • Protective wrap – 180 inches in length (4.5-meters)

  • Thumb loop and strong Velcro for a secure wrap.


Best boxing hand wraps #3: Venum 'Kontact'

Venum best boxing hand wraps.

With nearly 20,000 reviews at 4 to 5 stars, the Venum 'Kontact' is one well rated wrap. Though not as long as the other two wraps reviewed, 4-metres is more than enough to bind your hands like brick.

The material is made from elasticated cotton which will ensure a good fit and protection. At £6.70 Venum offer an excellent product at a reasonable price.

Product particulars

  • Elastic cotton for comfort and strength.

  • Velcro closure: fast and personalised tightening.

  • Venum logo.

  • 4-metres long.


Best way to wrap hands for boxing

The problem with hand wrapping is that it’s irritatingly subjective and you’re probably unlikely to find two boxers who wrap their hands the same. To be perfectly honest here, I would be a barefaced liar if I said I wrapped my hands the same way every time. There’s always a slight variation in the number of turns I apply to my wrist or knuckles.

However, in saying that, there are some dos and don’ts to consider when wrapping your hands.

When wrapping your hands

  • Use elasticated wraps and not an inflexible cotton or synthetic substitute. Why? Elasticated wraps mould to the unique shape of your hands and they are less likely to untangle or loosen during training.

  • Ensure to apply a tight wrap . . . but not too tight! It’s got to be just right – like baby bear’s porridge. How do you know if the wrap is tight enough? In a word, experience.

  • After applying plenty of padding around the knuckles pass (at a minimum) a single wrap over the top of the hand and thread it through the middle of the fingers. This can stop the padding from being pushed back over the knuckles.

  • Ensure to apply the wrap evenly across the hand and do not overload one area – usually the mistake is to lather the knuckles generously in padding to the exclusion of wrapping the wrist. This would be a mistake and I implore you not to make it.

A poster showing you how to wrap your hands properly before engaging in boxing training.

Related: Try these Boxing Gloves on for size


Boxing hand wraps Buyer’s Guide

Before buying a pair of wraps you should firstly know what to look out for because not all wraps were created equal. For example, short wraps do not offer the same level of protection as long wraps.

In addition, wraps that aren't elasticated do not fit your hand as well as elasticated products. Selecting the right pair of wraps, which typically do not cost any more money, can make a big difference. Below, I've outlined the key qualities that any best boxing wraps should have.

Elasticated cotton

When choosing hand wraps you should always opt for those made from elasticated cotton. This is a superior material because it moulds to the shape of your hands. The same cannot be said of non-elasticated fabrics.

Moreover, elasticated materials stay taught during tough training sessions. This improves the protection they offer as they are less likely to unfold from your hands or bunch in your boxing glove.

4 metre long wraps

The hand wraps you select should be a minimum of 4-metres in length. Hand wraps shorter than 4-metres will not provide the same level of protection. Of course, the shorter the wrap the thinner the protective layer of padding.

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About Adam Priest –

A former Royal Marines Commando, Adam Priest is a content writer, college lecturer, and health and wellbeing practitioner. He is also a fitness author and contributor to other websites. Connect with Adam at


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