The Hungry4Fitness Definitive Weight-loss Programme is designed to teach you how to lose weight healthily and safely. In addition, you will gain an in-depth insight into what constitutes as a healthy lifestyle.
This programme is not just about weight-loss. It also aims to teach you how to shape your diet and lifestyle so that you lose weight and improve your state of health. In short, it takes a holistic approach to weight-loss, health, and wellbeing.
You will learn
how to shape your diet so that it promotes fat-loss and improved health
the importance of cultivating healthy dietary practices
how to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods
how to conduct a health screening
how to calculate your optimal weight
how to engineer your lifestyle so that you achieve your optimal weight – and stay there!
methods of identifying barriers to success and maintain motivation
the importance of exercise
how to craft and tailor an exercise programme to suit your needs
ten tips for weight-loss, improving health and staying fit
Bonus material
17 healthy recipes for every occasion: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks
8-Week Exercise Programme
21-Week Weight-loss Tracker
21 exercise sessions
10-minute Stretching Plan
Our pledge
We have gone to great trouble to ensure that the information contained within this course is both contemporary and, where applicable, grounded on scientific research. Moreover, the course is designed to help you lose weight safely while also imparting healthy lifestyle principals. For we believe that health is of paramount importance and should supersede, or at least accompany, weight-loss ambitions.
This may sound contradictory, but it is not. There are many different ways to lose weight – hundreds in fact. And the vast majority of them, though they may enable you to achieve your aim of reducing overall body fat, compromise health in the long run. For example:
The chief architect and principal proponent of the Atkins diet, which places emphasis on the consumption of fat and protein derived primarily from animal sources, was heavily overweight and plagued throughout his life with heart troubles; his death may have even been indirectly caused by myocardial infarction¹.
Other weight-loss programmes demand their adherents to adopt an ascetic dietary plan that is so restrictive and deficient of adequate nutrition that it almost induces a state of semi-starvation. The detrimental impacts this has on long term health need not be enumerated.
We have aspired to create a course that will facilitate and support your ambition to lose weight but in a way that, if implemented, can improve your overall health and extend your longevity.
Health disclaimer
The author and publisher of this material are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury that may occur through following the instructions in this material. The activities, physical and otherwise, described herein for informational purposes, may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people and the reader should consult a doctor before engaging in this weight-loss programme.

To start, some reasons why you have made a wise decision to lose weight and improve your health:
‘Carrying excess body fat is the number-one risk factor for type 2 diabetes; up to 90% of those who develop the disease are overweight,’ (Greger 2017 – How Not To Die – p106).
‘People who are overweight also are highly likely to face a host of medical problems [which include] elevated cholesterol levels . . . glucose intolerance . . . type 2 diabetes [and] sleep apnea,’ (Campbell 2005 – The China Study – p137).
‘[Being overweight leads] to more and more related health issues like diabetes and knee arthritis and even breast cancer, the rate of which increases by a third for each increase in trouser and skirt size,’ (Spector 2015 – The Diet Myth – p4).
‘Obesity has been associated with both physical health problems (cardiovascular disease, diabetes, joint trauma, cancer, hypertension and mortality) and psychological problems (low self-esteem, poor self-image) . . .’ (Curtis 2000 – Health Psychology – p112). ‘Sixty-eight percent of people die from just three conditions that involve fatty degeneration: cardiovascular disease (48%), cancer (22.4%), and diabetes (1.8%). These deaths are the result of eating habits based on ignorance and misconceptions,’ (Udo Erasmus – Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill – 1993). ‘Obesity and overweight pose a major risk for chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and certain forms of cancer,’ (WHO).
Together these six quotes make up merely a few stray tuffs atop the ever-increasing edifice of evidence showing how obesity and being overweight can cause illness, disease, and lead, ultimately, to premature mortality.
Besides painting a dire picture for the future outlook of the person who fails to take decisive action to control their weight, they should fire and fuel motivation in those who have resolved to lose weight and improve their health.
The information and advice contained within this course, if adopted as life-long lifestyle strategies, can help you achieve a healthy weight which, in turn, will dramatically reduce susceptibility to many of the diseases identified above.
To begin your weight-loss journey access the programme modules below. If you are just starting out, and have never before undertaken a weight-loss programme, it is advisable to start at the first module and progress through them in stages. However, if you are looking for supplementary advice or guidance to a pre-existing programme, then you could instead select whichever module you deem necessary.

Module 1: Health Screening
In the opening module we will discuss the importance of conducting health screening and why embarking on a weight-loss programme without firstly weighing yourself – at a minimum – is an act of futility. You will gain an insight into a range of health screening methods available and suggestions on how to conduct them. In addition, you will be invited to conduct a series of fitness tests. Though this aspect of Module 1 is entirely optional, it is advisable to test your physical performance prior to implementing the programme. By doing so you will be able to measure and monitor how your physicality responds to the intervention.
Module 2: Barriers to Success
It is perhaps a truism that anything worth doing poses a challenge and all challenges present a series of hurdles and barriers to success. If this fact is not recognised prior to undertaking a challenge the chances of emerging successful diminish. To better your chances of achieving your weight-loss goals, you will receive a crash course into how to identify barriers when they arise and, crucially, methods of overcoming or circumventing them.
Module 3: Diet & Nutrition
The key ingredient into the promise land of weight-loss and health is diet. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that diet is the most important factor of weight management and in improving health. It is for this reason why Module 3, when weighed against its counterparts, is comparatively substantial for not only will we cover what constitutes as healthy eating, but you will also learn how to distinguish between health and unhealthy foods as well as how to shape a diet that will support you on your weight-loss journey.
Module 4: Exercise
In Module 4 you will learn about the remarkable health benefits associated with regular exercise. Furthermore, you will discover how exercise can dramatically reduce susceptibility to many diseases – such as cancer, diabetes, stroke and obesity. But this module is not all theoretical. You will also receive the tools necessary to craft and tailor an exercise programme to suit your preferences and lifestyle while being provided with a professional insight into the various training methodologies. In short, at the end of this module you’ll be your own personal trainer.
Module 5: Ten Tips for Weight-loss
Module 5 can be viewed as a distillation of the previous four. The ten quick tips act as parenthesis isolating and emphasising the most important weight-loss advice scattered throughout the course. You could say that this module pulls it all together into a succinct package. However, it should be used as a reaffirmation and reminder of what preceded it and not take precedence over the course proper.
(As we are very interested in user experience here at Hungry4Fitness, we would be very grateful if you could take a few seconds out of your day to leave a comment. Thanks in advance!)
Blog Author
Adam Priest, former Royal Marines Commando, is a personal trainer, lecturer, boxing and Thai boxing enthusiast.
Curtis, A. J. (2000) Health Psychology. London. Rutledge.
Greger, M. Stone, G (2017) How Not to Die. USA. Macmillan.
¹Kleinfiel. N. (2004) Just What Killed the Diet Doctor, And What Keeps the Issue Alive? (sited online (2020): www.nytimes.com)
Spector, T. (2015) The Diet Myth. London. W&N publication.
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II, M.D. (2005) The China Study. BenBella Books. United States.